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Conference of the European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA)

Between the 24th and 27th of August 2022, many of the team members of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership “Promoting social inclusion skills in a post-truth world: A gamified online platform and curriculum (PROMIS)” attended the Conference of European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA) in Dublin, Ireland.

During the poster session of the conference, some of the intellectual outputs of the project were presented through Associate Professor Oana Negru-Subtirica’s poster titled “eBUILD: An open access online gamified platform and course for learning and teaching about inclusion”. The online version of the poster includes links to the project results and can be accessed here.

PROMIS Multiplier Event

On the 11th of May 2022 we presented the results of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership “Promoting social inclusion skills in a post-truth world: A gamified online platform and curriculum (PROMIS)”, during a hibrid event hosted at the Casino Center for Urban Culture from the Central Park, Cluj-Napoca. During the opening ceremony we were honored by the presence of Professor Daniel David, Rector of the Babes-Bolyai University, and Professor Adina Glava, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences.

The event focused on the results of three years of intense work conducted by our international team of experts, which include:

  1. The e-book “Building inclusive societies by promoting social inclusion and reducing discrimination: Theories, research, and interventions” (BUILD), which integrates up-to-date theoretical knowledge and research findings with practical case studies of social inclusion.
  2. The gamification manual “Best Practices for the Gamification of Social Inclusion in Online Learning”, which offers best practices and examples of how we implemented gamification in our online courses about social inclusion.
  3. The eBUILD gamified e-learning platform, which includes 6 freely available online courses about the social inclusion of marginalized groups. A video presentation of the platform can be found here

All project results are freely available on and the live transmission of the event is available here

The project partners were: Babes-Bolyai University (coordinator), University of Bologna (Italy), University of Bordeaux (France), Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (Poland), Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania), Utrecht University (Netherlands), and eLearning & Software (Romania). The project director was associate professor Oana Negru-Subtirica (Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Department of Psychology).

PROS Intensive Program

The feedback received from the student participants of the PROS Intensive Program was overwhelmingly positive, with many of them mentioning increased awareness regarding the challenges faced by people coming from marginalized groups, as in the feedback mentioned below:

Testimonial 1

Students have also highlighted their excitement to share what they have learned with other people:


Following the Intensive Program, all national student groups had the opportunity to start sharing their experience with other students from their universities. For example, students from Babes-Bolyai University partnered with the Association of Psychology Students from Romania (ASPR) to prepare and deliver a webinar titled “From discrimination to social inclusion”. During the webinar, they aimed to fight stereotypes and prejudices by presenting research about discrimination based on gender, disability, and socio-economic status.

glass cliff effect

Similar dissemination activities have been conducted by participating students from the other universities as well, as can be seen in the photos below: